More Orpingtons - from TuffOldHen


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
In FebruaryI got eggs from TuffOldHen and Mosby and Bonnie as 12 week olds.

Today those little chicks are all grown up and all of the pullets are now laying eggs. They have been switched over to the pen with Bonnie and Mosby.




I got blues, blacks and splashes from this hatch.

I think you are familiar with Big Red by now - his tail is growing back, finally.


Here is his brother, Black Jack.



In this hatch was also some eggs from a Light Brahma hen/blue orp roo cross. 2 of the eggs hatched and both are pullets. One has awesome lacing but looks nothing like and orp. One has pale lacing but I think her body is orpish. She escaped from the run and we haven't been able to catch her. I am praying nothing gets her before we can get her back in. I want to breed her back to a black orp and see what that lacing does.



She is much bigger than her sister though her color isn't very good.

TOH, what do you think of her body type??
If you only new how many eggs I have hatched to get here. I have been hatching without stop since February. If you want these orps you have to work very hard for them. I have had many hatches and some I never got 1 chick out of them. Sad but true.
No, I remember you saying you bought 120 something eggs to get the few you had. I know it's rough for shipped eggs, especially ones that don't handle shipping well. I'm saying, even with the difficulties, you have them, they are healthy and beautiful and you're very lucky.

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