Morel Mushroom and other hunters gather here!

I think we have another month or so until we can start looking! Can't wait though!
Hit a jackpot on our property - but also had some jerks car towed when were looking. Seems like the folks around there know about it too, and have no qualms about trespassing, or ignoring the state police when they call out to tell them to get out. Oh well, his bill (police called the wrecker since he was parked on our land).

Last year from "the spot".....

We are having unusual weather conditions here: early spring with temps in the high 70s and now freezing this morning.
And we are in a severe drought in Central Oklahoma.
Morels here can be found near old stands of elm trees when the redbud trees have leaves about the size of mouse's ears. Will be looking, but without rain, don't have much hope.
I have never had a morel mushroom, and I love mushrooms. I always wanted to try them, but don't know if they grow around(Eastern Pa) here or even where to start looking.
Few people down farther south in Indy are finding small black. People down in KY are finding better size blacks. Cant wait to fry up some again
and also some pheasants back but people picked all of them last year

I looked in our woods today and didn't find any.

Maybe its too early still.

We have tons of downed oaks and hardwoods, tons of moss, etc. so hopefully we'll see some!
Never hunted them myself, but big brother has friends that do and ive eaten enough to know that I want more! Very secretive about where they get them, of course, so I need to find my own area...any tips for hunting in Alabama?
Last year was a terrible year when I was staying up in northern Illinois/Wisconsin border. The year before that we found maybe 1 lb. and fried them up with tasting mushrooms!! I can't find any where I am this year
On a morel board I've just seen the early black morels coming up in TN,KY, IL and way southern IN so fair. No yellows or greys yet.

We have some dried ones which I might have to end up rehydrating and cooking up....
Anyone else go for any other kinds of mushrooms? Morels and Pheasants backs here.


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