Most Dangerous Cake On Earth!!

Those ingredients sound yumalicious!

I prefer to consider myself a Chocolate Connoisseur

If it ain't Dark, it ain't chocolate : p

in a pinch I admit to using the Most Dangerous for a quick fix
frosting it helps some
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I'm not too fond of dark fact there was this low-fat extra dark chocolate made with all cocoa powder, and I tried it and it was literally one of the most disgusting things I have tasted ever!!!!!
It was horribly bitter and made my mouth taste nasty! I immediately spit it out and drank a full glass of water to try and get the taste off my tongue. It was suppose t be some extra fancy brand only made with cocoa powder and so it wasn't really chocolate. Nasty nasty nasty! I will never try it again!

LOL but anyway, normal dark chocolate is OK, but milk chocolate is the best in my opinion! Much more flavor and it's so milky and delicious! Yum!
Now, you wanna know the really scary thing? Me and DH (just had him read it) both immediately said "Ohhh bet it'd be cool to use the jumbo QT mugs. No going over the sides, and a cool saucer shape" Yet another sign we've been married a long time.
Seriously though, THANK YOU for sharing this... it's brilliant!


Chlorinated sugar that was accidentally discovered by the same people that make baby butt wipes...

Add to the fact that rats (who will eat vaseline) would rather starve than eat it...

I really don't think it's addictive like some do, just that your body craves the sugar, thinks it's getting it (via taste) but then the bloodstream doesn't actually get any boost so it kicks up the craving and makes you want more. J&J says that only 3% of the mass remains in your body... that 97% of it is just passed straight through... problem of course is that even they don't know (or won't tell) what that 3% is... sugar or chlorine... that stays in your blood. I swear there's chlorine in EVERYTHING nowadays... our water, store chicken, and now even the freakin' sugar... it's a wonder we're not born with white hair.

Overall I would say (as others do) Google the side effects before ingesting ANY chemical...
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Chlorinated sugar that was accidentally discovered by the same people that make baby butt wipes...

Add to the fact that rats (who will eat vaseline) would rather starve than eat it...

I really don't think it's addictive like some do, just that your body craves the sugar, thinks it's getting it (via taste) but then the bloodstream doesn't actually get any boost so it kicks up the craving and makes you want more. J&J says that only 3% of the mass remains in your body... that 97% of it is just passed straight through... problem of course is that even they don't know (or won't tell) what that 3% is... sugar or chlorine... that stays in your blood. I swear there's chlorine in EVERYTHING nowadays... our water, store chicken, and now even the freakin' sugar... it's a wonder we're not born with white hair.

Overall I would say (as others do) Google the side effects before ingesting ANY chemical...

I'll just stick to sugar or HFCS, thank you very much.
About once every 8 years I get in the mood for cake. I'm usually not a cake kinda guy.

Well, it happened tonight and I thought it a perfect time to give this recipe a try. My expectations were high, then low then medium after reading through this thread.

In the end, the cake was a bit underwhelming. The texture was kinda rubbery... maybe because of the fact it was cooked in a microwave, or maybe because our microwave doesn't cook terribly evenly... I donno. It wasn't terrible, but it won't be tempting me to make it all the time.

All in all, it was a fun experience and it took care of the craving:


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