Most disgusting coop ever!

I like my coops clean and poopie free. I have had lots of people comment on how clean my chicken pens are. I just don't like mine walking around in poo. I like it clean, dry, and fresh...but that is just me......Not everyone has the same standards of cleanliness.
Chickens can thrive just fine in less than perfect conditions but poo piled high as a toddler does sound a bit much to me, although I can't really judge until I have seen for myself.....

Just nicely suggest to her some type beddings that would help her coops stay a little cleaner and dryer........
gross wheres the picture?
i did think about calling animal control but hubby would be so angry. he has known this family longer then i have been alive! (there is an age gap)

my DD is 3'1" tall and the poo was taller then her. it was contained to one side of the coop below the roosta but then the run was about a foot deep and maybe two deep in some areas and it was fairly small. the birds were really dirty too. i only really wanted to touch one bc she was not so bad. they seemed healthy though....somehow....they were not skinny messed up eyes or pale wattles or....i don't know bird terminology yet but the point is they looked healthy.
I agree with ElCuervo, there could be some crazy, unknown circumstances, so it's tough to make a final judgement.

It sure does stimulate good discussion and ideas around coop cleaning!

Every morning, I just put on a rubber glove, pick up whatever's under the roost, and walk it over the the compost pile.....I call it zen-poop-scooping and it starts my day out right!
i did not realize it could just be picked up....i think it was runny and not at all pick-up-able....thought i would only be able to shovel it!

anyway, there are some circumstances that may lend to this messy coop but knowing them i still feel the birds should be re-homed or better cared for. it is a no excuse thing for me....this has been going on for five years i was told!
I have a fine dirt in my run and it just doesn't seem to pile up. I do go in about once a week and rake it clean like a zen garden. The coop gets turned about once a week as well. Around the end of September I'll go in and remove about half of the pine bedding and replace it with fresh for the winter.

Even with all of that, I don't feel like it's as clean as it can be, especially when we get a lot of rain, but I know that my chickens aren't suffering in nasty conditions and I do the best I can to make sure they stay healthy.
Any creature kept in confinement and forced to live in its own built up poo is going to be dirty and nasty and mean. It might do this person a world of good if you invited her over to see your chicken set up after you get up and running, so she can see that there are better chicken management practices than the ones she practices.

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