Most expensive eggs I've ever seen!

hey I still don't break even with my new coop
I won't unless I get a bunch more hens.

Once the feed prices go up (and the Iowa floods have made sure of that) we will all have to charge an arm and a leg, pastured chickens or not pastured chickens. Eggs are gonna go way up in price as the feed prices rise.
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I'm trying to line up friends, relatives, strangers, ...anybody... willing to pay what I will have in my eggs (just cost for coop and run, not feed). So far, all I meet are people looking for bargains and are unwilling to pay my below-cost-asking-price of $85 a dozen the first year.

Everyday I'm spending $$$$ and more $$$$ on coop materials, and I still have a long way to go. My relatives and "friends" would be well advised to commit QUICKLY to buying a few dozen for $85 when my ten (half are probably roosters) five-week-old chicks start laying because the price will be going up soon.
BTW, if anyone's interested in buying some...
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I had a friend look at me crazy when I said $1.50 a dz. I would really like to charge 2.00, but now I am scard to do it. Mine are going to start laying eggs in the next month, and now I don't know how much to charge.
Charge $2.00 and ignore any 'friends' who look at you sideways. Their problem, not yours! $2.00 is cheap around here, my suppliers have gone up to $2.50 or $3.00. And that's certainly cheap compared to $7!!!
hey If people will pay for my eggs its all good with me I thought it was to elxpensive at $4 a dozen but people told me to raise my prices so I did allot
I am just riding the wave of people here in Baltimore who think the green movement is "cool" and my eggs are local, natural, and pasture raised (they are in a chicken tractor and get to free range part of the day also so they actually have a diet that is 20% grass and bugs) So I am happy. My marans, EE, and ameraucana eggs also allow me to charge so much because of the colors no one has seen before around here.


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