Most humane way to put a chick down?

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Humane is defined as "having or showing compassion or benevolence" and - while we all want to all act humanely - it can be a subjective term. What one person thinks is humane may seem cruel to another person.

When we've had to put down chickens, we looked for the fastest method to do it. Something that would be quick and as painless as possible for the bird. I wanted a method that wouldn't prolong the process and produce fear and anxiety for the bird. IMO, to take a sick or injured bird to the vet for the sole purpose of putting it down only prolongs its pain and suffering and frightens it in the process. That's exactly what I am trying to avoid.

A very sharp hatchet and a solid wood stump is the method we've used. It's quick, efficient, and produces instant death. Is it painless? No one really knows but considering that all nerves are severed and death comes super-quick, it's about as painless as it gets.
ALL livestock is protected by animal cruelty laws in SC. Chickens are livestock.

here's the SC law regarding this subject

§ 47-1-40. Ill-treatment of animals generally.
(A) Whoever knowingly or intentionally overloads, overdrives, overworks, ill-treats any animal, deprives any animal of necessary sustenance or shelter, inflicts unnecessary pain or suffering upon any animal, or by omission or commission knowingly or intentionally causes these things to be done, for every offense is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be punished by imprisonment not exceeding sixty days or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or both, for a first offense; by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days or by a fine not exceeding eight hundred dollars, or both, for a second offense; or by imprisonment not exceeding two years or by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or both, for a third or subsequent offense. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a first offense under this subsection shall be tried in magistrate's or municipal court.
(B) Whoever tortures, torments, needlessly mutilates, cruelly kills, or inflicts excessive or repeated unnecessary pain or suffering upon any animal or by omission or commission causes the acts to be done for any of the offenses is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be punished by imprisonment of not less than one hundred eighty days and not to exceed five years and by a fine of five thousand dollars.
(C) This section does not apply to fowl, accepted animal husbandry practices of farm operations and the training of animals, the practice of veterinary medicine, agricultural practices, forestry and silvacultural practices, wildlife management practices, or activity authorized by Title 50, including an activity authorized by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources or an exercise designed for training dogs for hunting, if repeated contact with a dog or dogs and another animal does not occur during this training exercise.
The answer to best way to kill a chicken is snap its neck. They're very small. Very fragile and one twist you will sever the spinal cord at the neck and the chick won't feel a thing.
Or BB gun for chicks, chickens and roosters. Top of the head where the cranium meets.
Or SHARP ax or butchers knife, just drop it down with force, don't have to hack. Like cutting meat, a thick steak. You won't miss.
Or SHARP garden sheers if you can snap them. I don't think I can.

Gassing a chicken....freezing...what the hell was the other mad scientist method?
Stoning is stone the head hard.
Gees folks.... as someone said earlier can't we all just agree to disagree and move on. Bringing morals and right vs wrong in to such a sensitive topic of ending the suffering of a little chick is a bit much. We all mean well or we wouldnt be here.
Being a hunter, I've learned that there are instances where I have had to put an animal out of its misery. We always, always, try to make a clean shot on the animal and if we can't, we don't take the shot. The animal having a quick and painless death is our number one priority. I would never hesitate to put a baby chick out of its misery, despite how hard it may be, because it's a baby animal. I've had to kill 3 young cockerels, all were in advance staged of cocci. One was taking its last breaths and the other two were close behind it. I wish I could've caught it before it came to that though. We brought them to a stump and quickly severed the head of each one. All passed instantly. We buried them in the yard and it still upsets me. I never get enjoyment out of taking a life. Where I live and the financial situation we are in, it requires us to have an outside source of food, rather than having to buy all of our food. We take animals to survive and we respect the animal, and make sure the death is dignified. No animal deserves to have any death by another being that isn't anything short of painless and instantaneous. That's what I grew up learning, and that's what I'll continue to live by. Any passing done by me will never be an animal thrown in a freezer, suffocated or attached to a car exhaust, but that's just me.
I think we're done here.

Please remember to find ways to express your opinion without making personal attacks on those who have a different viewpoint.
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