Mothers Day hatch *hatching updates*

I have black copper marens and buff orp. due mothers day or the day after, also have another hatch due the end of May, white silkies. using the same hova 1588 with automatic turner and its right on the temp, .twice did the hum. drop.lower then 55
but i m keeping a closer watch on it now.
Happy hatching to all of us

I'm right there with you too! My hatch is due on Saturday (give or take). I am not very hopeful for a good outcome though. We ordered 4 dozen eggs and 5 were broken on I am sure the others were pretty shaken up too. Anyway, candled on day 7 and 15 and looks like we only have about 10 that I could see movement in. Needless to say, I am quite disappointed. Hopefully the ones that are in there hatch out OK.

Good luck and fuzzy butt wishes for everyone hatching in the next week!
I have 3 eggs in my bator due on Mother's Day. They are pullet eggs, and I'm having trouble figuring out what's going on inside them. I'll be thrilled if one hatches, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up...I see veins in all of them coming out of a growing dark mass, but I can't see any movement!
I have about 22 muscovy eggs that are due to hatch on May 10th, so I'm with ya! Started out with 24 (only paid $10 for all of them!) and had one infertile and one with a bacteria ring. All of the others are growing wonderfully! I have mallards hatching right now, 6 out, and 7 more to go!

After the muscovy eggs, I have runner eggs (due 5/18) and call ducks (shipped, but doing pretty well considering, due 5/24). I also have 14 mallard eggs in a clutch that is being sat on by 3 female ducks. I have forgotten when they started sitting good, so I guess I'll just have to trust the girls!

Emily in NC
oooh thats friday, cool you have two days less than me. did you see the pics on this thread of 2009newchickmoms new wheaten marans . . . very cute.

I did see that - and I live in Iowa also - might have to sneak down to her place and snatch them - muhahahaha!

Madison county's not that big - I'm sure I could find her
oooh thats friday, cool you have two days less than me. did you see the pics on this thread of 2009newchickmoms new wheaten marans . . . very cute.

I did see that - and I live in Iowa also - might have to sneak down to her place and snatch them - muhahahaha!

Madison county's not that big - I'm sure I could find her

Okay, now I have to post guards at each corner of the brooder. LOL. I'd love to meet up with some Iowa people, it seems there aren't too many in central Iowa. How about chicken-stock at your house pbjmaker? LOL
My plan is to use these wheatons as my new marans project. I have secured both French standard (feathered legs) and clean legged. I have the French standard from two different but both highly respected Tennessee breeders. These chicks are all grand-chicks of Bev Davis' Wheaton Marans, so excellent stock. If all goes well, I'll have some available in 6-8 months.

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