Mothers Day hatch *hatching updates*

Looks like we are going to have lots of happy mothers on mothers day! M ykids asked if I wanted to do anything . . . I said no, just go about your regular day, I want to stay home and watch my eggs hatch . . . lol they think I 've gone crazy.
That's what I told my husband.
So by my count we have at least 112 new babies due exactly on Mothers day . . . Do you have names picked out or are you waiting to see them? I am using the alphabet method and since this is my third batch of Buckeyes this year their names will all need to start with C I hope they all hatch and I have to appeal to you guys for help coming up with 27 C names!
I did see that - and I live in Iowa also - might have to sneak down to her place and snatch them - muhahahaha!

Madison county's not that big - I'm sure I could find her

Okay, now I have to post guards at each corner of the brooder. LOL. I'd love to meet up with some Iowa people, it seems there aren't too many in central Iowa. How about chicken-stock at your house pbjmaker? LOL
My plan is to use these wheatons as my new marans project. I have secured both French standard (feathered legs) and clean legged. I have the French standard from two different but both highly respected Tennessee breeders. These chicks are all grand-chicks of Bev Davis' Wheaton Marans, so excellent stock. If all goes well, I'll have some available in 6-8 months.

You're the one with a new house - lets have it at yours. My house is only 864 sq feet - not enough room to entertain. Although I do have a big yard - NM the chickens have taken over that.

There are a few other Iowa peeps that belong to BYC - just not on very often.
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One of my broodies only had one chick hatch - so I snuck her a couple of gold comets to go with. She didn't mind. Funny thing is - when I went to take out her last two "bad" eggs, she had smashed one and it was peeping. The lil' bugger was on day 26.

I would pick up some chicks at the feed store just in case.

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