Mothers Day hatch *hatching updates*

:)Day 17 and counting . . .
:DMy babies are graduating from the kindergarten room today in order to make room for the new ones . . .
:cool:that means the big kids are going on up to the big house and six hens and three roosters went to happy new home this morning:(
How's everyone comin along with their hatches?
I have one pip in a egg which caught me off guard since its still fairly early in the game. I didnt even know it was there till i heard it peeping at me
As a refresher, tomorrow is day 18 for me. So I need to fill the outer compartments in the bottom with water and remove the turner, right? Is there anything else to do?
oh my gosh those call ducks are soooo cute! If I ever get to have ducks that's what I want; be sure to post new pics when they hatch!
I was going to wait until tonight . . . but couldn't!!!
So here is my last candling update:
I had 5 at last candling that I thought were no good, but instead of removing them I just put them in a seperate row. Of those 5 one now looked great - so glad I kept them in, 3 I am pretty sure are no good but not positive so they stay in, and 1 I could easily tell the difference now and knew it wasn't good. Took it out and broke open found detached air cell, totally scrambled yolk and about a 5 day embryo - so blaming that one on shipping.
I filled both chanels with water and laid them on their sides - watching humidity rise now.
23 that look good (ie: full dark blobs with aircell, not much movement) and 3 maybes.
Now I gotta go look up that humidity level we are aiming for, and need to go buy sponges and assemble hatching kit . . .

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