Mottled Orpington Egg Hatched - Close up photos - Julie

Ok, MissPrissy here are some shots I snapped this morning so you can see a size comparison etc....

One is solid black so I didn't do any wing tip feather shots now. The other has slight white on the tips..both wings.

The one pic is in too bright of morning sun so the bird has a bluish cast but it is not blue.




This shot makes the bird look lighter than it is including the legs but it wasn't standing still for a


Thanks for the photos. They are really nice looking chickens. Is it just one that has the light colored feet or am I seeing the photos wrong?
The feet look lighter with the flash and the sun. Their legs are slate in my opinion and of course lighten at the toes. You can see in the chick pics how they appeared and how they look now.

They are at a scruffy age and I think in the end they will be very nice looking birds with good size. I preference big birds.


At the water bowl is one of my Blue Orp Roo x Buff Orp Hen babies. I don't consider them to be mutts since they are pure Orpington, just odd colored because of the different colored parents. That being said, I don't have anything against mutt chickens and have a few cross breeds. I think there is a LOT to be said for hybrid vigor.

I plan / hope to cross my beautiful Blue Laced Red Wyandotte roo with some of my Orpington hens... get the best of both worlds as a result I

I agree with what you said about hybrid vigor. I just hatched some wheaten marans and she had thrown in a AmeraucanaXwheaten egg. That chick definately benefited from the cross. Very vigorous chick! I was thinking of crossing my BLRW roo to some of my BO's.....both blue and buff when the orps are mature. It will be interesting to see what we get!!
Katy, I have two 4 week old chicks that I feel for certain were a cross with my BO roo and a BLRW hen.They have the rose comb and have a little bit of buff to light buff lacing.I'm gonna take a picture today and post cause I think they are feathering out very nice.I have feed them nothing but 20% protein chick feed and they are just as healthy and vigorous as they can be.In fact they are so lively that I hope they will calm down some as they get older.

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