Mottled Orpington Project Update

Thank you all.
This is really fun, but takes patience.
Buster on the blacks with white in the wings. If they are black that will soon leave. I can't remember if I saw them or not. One thing that signals BAMA for me is looking at the legs and beak and eye color. If they have the mottling gene they will have mottled or whitish legs. Eye color gold and beak will be lighter. you will have a few white feathers on Blacks as they are feathering in sometimes but it should disaapear fairly quick. I can show you a picture of the wings of a mottled chick if you need me too.
These look great, Julie. It should be easy to breed out the feathered feet. I have no clue about yellow skin and beak though.

Good luck and thanks for sharing your gorgeous birds with us.
They look nice.
Not that I'd knwo much about orps.

So tell me: why does everyone seem to have orps?
Chicken Boy, they are such lovely birds in every way. I think everyone should have a Orp

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