Moving 2 week olds outside


In the Brooder
Dec 18, 2020
I’m in eastern GA where the highs are between 75-85 with lows down to the 50s.

we currently have eight chicks inside in a brooder. Two are 4 weeks old, six are 2 weeks old. Im starting to feel like their brooder is too small and I don’t have a larger option for them. The older two keep jumping ups and hitting their heads on the hardware cloth I have as a lid.

would It be fine to put them outside in their coop if I set up their heat plate? Too young?

current inside brooder is a 70 gallon container from home depot
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If you move the heat plate out with them, they should be fine.

(I am assuming your coop will provide shelter from rain and wind, shade from the sun, and protection from predators.)
So, I work with Cornish cross and have put them out at 2 weeks, overnight lows in the 50’s, 3 weeks at 40. However my current batch is almost 4 weeks and they are still in the brooder inside. The temps this coming week will be a in the low of 30’s upper 20’s and rain and snow, gotta love Colorado spring. Hesitant to put them out as there is no way to heat the tractor. I am sure someone with more experience with breeds others than Cornish Cross will step in and help you out.

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