Moving away from my chicks 😢. Preparation???

Birdie mom

Mar 27, 2020
Carlisle PA (But my chicks are in NC)
We are moving away from NC, and heading up to PA. Unfortunately, we have to leave our chickens behind 😢. However, our friends will be renting our house, and they are planning on combining their and our flocks. We have about 18 hens and 4 roosters (I should probably cut down our rooster population too 😬), and they have around 10 hens. They also have a dog who is know to eat chickens when given the chance. How can I help prepare? Is there a way to sanitize our coop so their chickens aren't exposed to any new pathogens? Is there any way to help our chickens transition? Is it even possible to keep our chickens and their chickens safe from any unknown germs? I'm kinda stressing right now, we are moving in a little over a week. And I just discovered my chickens have lice, and one has BF. :barnie

All tips appreciated!!!
Well I suppose you can treat your chickens for lice and mites. You definitely have to sanitize your coop so you don't spread them to your friends chickens. And let them know what your doing to prepare for the transition.
Well I suppose you can treat your chickens for lice and mites. You definitely have to sanitize your coop so you don't spread them to your friends chickens. And let them know what your doing to prepare for the transition.
Thank you. How would you suggest I sanitize the coop? It is an old wooden log-cabin like structure that we repurposed for a coop. Can you even sanitize wood?
Don't power wash or use any water on a wood coop. Really no point in "sanitizing" at all if they're moving their flock in with yours - they'll be exposed to each others germs as soon as they get there, through the soil, the air, etc.

Hopefully your friends have some sort of integration plan?
Don't power wash or use any water on a wood coop. Really no point in "sanitizing" at all if they're moving their flock in with yours - they'll be exposed to each others germs as soon as they get there, through the soil, the air, etc.

Hopefully your friends have some sort of integration plan?
Ditto Dat!

Definitely treat your birds with permethrin dust and or spray to get rind of the mice/lice.
Best to first to figure out just what type of mites.

My Bug Check notes:
Have you checked them over real well for mites and/or lice?

Google images of lice/mites and their eggs before the inspection so you'll know what you're looking for.

Part the feathers right down to the skin around vent, head/neck and under wings.

Best done well after dark with a strong flashlight/headlight, easier to 'catch' bird and also to check for the mites that live in structure and only come out at night to feed off roosting birds.

Wipe a white paper towel along the underside of roost to look for red smears(smashed well fed mites).

Good post about mite ID by Lady McCamley:
Hopefully your friends have some sort of integration plan?
I don't really know what they are planning on doing, I am writing them an email with a few suggestions.

I was thinking about putting a fenced in area within the run so that they don't kill each other. (see picture)


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We have about 18 hens and 4 roosters (I should probably cut down our rooster population too 😬), and they have around 10 hens.
Do you have enough space for 10 more birds?
Integration works best with extra space.

Definitely get rid of the they have males too?

Are you handing over these birds to them strings free,
so they can make any management decisions without your permission?

Renting to friends can be problematic.
Best of cLuck!
Do you have enough space for 10 more birds?
Integration works best with extra space.

Definitely get rid of the they have males too?

Are you handing over these birds to them strings free,
so they can make any management decisions without your permission?

Renting to friends can be problematic.
Best of cLuck!
I think we have just enough room. More space would definitely be nice, but it's too late for that now...

They do not have any roosters.

Mostly strings free, but it's not like I'm going to let them cull my flock or anything else big like that.

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