Moving bunny from indoors to outdoors


16 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
If we got a baby bunny and kept it indoors until we got the hutch finished outdoors, would it be hard on it to suddenly move it outdoors. My house is kept around 70 degrees. Outside temps have ranged anywhere from mid 30's to upper 50's. Lows in the 20's and 30's. If we got a baby bunny, how old would it need to be until it could be moved outdoors.

The hutch could be finished in about 2 weeks.
I think just about any animal going from house temps to outside temps (if there's a big difference) should be transitioned gradually. I'm assuming there is a secure, cozy little nest area (lol..yeah, I know it's a rabbit rather than a chicken, but I don't know what you call the house area) built into the pen? Hopefully in two weeks, the temps will have stablized a bit too. 70 to 50 isn't that big of a change (imo)...but 70 to 30 is a big change. Do you have a garage or place where you could keep the bunny that it cooler than the house to kind of help prepare him/her? I'm not a bunny person, so I don't even know what temps a baby rabbit needs until what hopefully an experienced person will respond.
Yes, we do have a garage and that's how I've always prepared our chickens for moving outdoors. We keep them inside until they no longer need the heat lamp and then move them into the garage for a couple of weeks.

I'm still learning about rabbits, so I have lots of questions. I have a friend that used to work for a veterinary office and she said people drop litters of bunnies off all the time and she could get us one for free. Then the other day we were in Tractor Supply and my DD flipped out because they have baby bunnies. She's been saving up all her money for a snake and supplies, but has now decided she's saving up for a bunny. I have an impatient preteen that wants her bunny ASAP!
I just got a phone call from the local animal shelter. They got a male rabbit in. She said if we want to come look at him today we can and if we decided we wanted him, then the adoption fee is $15 and they can neuter him Tuesday. I'd prefer a rescue as long as he has a good temperment.

Is it better to get them as babies or does it just depend on each particular rabbit?
You know, I'd almost repost this question separately... My guess would be that it would totally depend on the bunny (that's great that they will neuter him...and like you, I like being able to "rescue" one). I know it's that way with cats and dogs...some shelter animals can make better pets than one you've had since it was young...some not. It totally depends on the animal. Of course your daughter would miss the "baby phase", but she probably wouldn't even think about that after a few days. Good luck!
I agree it would depend on the individual. An adult who had been handled alot from a youngster would probably be perfectly friendly after a short adjustment period. an adult who lived in a hutch with no human interaction may take a little longer to become friendly but with effort I am sure could make a good pet.

Good idea to get a buck they make a better pet in my opinion.

Only down fall to a rescue? miss this phase

BUT the big up side, you save a life!
It really depends on the rabbit. A friendly adult is a friendly adult, unless it has a serious problem. I have known rabbits that seemed friendly as babies, that became pushy and snotty once they hit puberty. With the right handling, they can get over it, but it's really sad to have a child become afraid of their bunny in the meantime. A lot of friendly babies don't change, of course, but at least with an adult, you know what you have.

I like the idea of a neutered male. While rabbits don't have huge hormonal issues, there are some behaviors (like spraying) that are usually much more of a problem in intact animals. Not that it's any of my business, but from your other posts, I understand that you are wanting to house the rabbit outdoors (at least eventually). Is the shelter okay with that? Some shelters and rescues are rather hard-nosed about what you can do with "their" animals, and insist that rabbits should be kept as house bunnies (even if the rabbit lived outdoors before they got it). If they are agreeable, great, I'm just mentioning it to avoid possible disappointment and frustration in case they have an "inside only" policy that just hadn't come up.
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It depends on the bunny. It may be best to wait until warner weather sets in. Sometimes moving them out in the cold like that can stress them. abnd you don't want to trigger something that will cause it to get sick.
Have you considered keeping it in the house permanently? They make wonderful house pets. I had three house rabbits that were really awesome.

This is a great resource for house rabbits:

I posted this link before and someone said the diet info was off and it wasn't a good site but it's THE site for HOUSE rabbits, not breeders.
Yeo that would be me, well, and a couple of others.
The diet is off. The house rabbit information is OK. as long as you aren't giving them things like towels and carpet they can chew on. the diet is actually harmful to the rabbits digestive system. And breeding rabbits and pet rabbits have the same nutritional requirements. Most rabbits do not generally do well on a veggie and greens based diet. Most pet owners are not experienced enough to make sure the diet is balanced, and the rabbit is getting adequate nutrition. That is why we (breeders and pet owners) suggest to feed a balanced diet of good quality pellets and hay instead. I have both breeding and pet rabbits, and have also kept house rabbits. Everyone got the same diet. Pellets and hay, and they were fine.
Best to be safe then sorry then end up with a huge vet bill from the rabbit getting GI stasis from it. now, some rabbits can do OK on it, b ut again it takes a lot of research and knowledge to make sure the bunny is in good health and getting the right amount of nutrition from it. most don't, and end up sick from it. is the best source of rabbit information you can find. the faq section on the right upper corner is accurate and wonderful. And op and any one else keep an eye on it. they are talking about updating that and issuing a new updated version of the guidebook to raising better rabbits and cavies soon. Which is a breeder based book that also has an excellent section on keeping pet house rabbits.

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