Ms. Skittish becomes Ms. Full of Personality


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Pepperell, MA
Of my 3 hens who are now about 10-12 weeks Shirlena (Black Star) has been the most timid. The past few days when I sit in the run she is coming over to me the most. If I am outside the run and talk to her she will come over and listen. They have all come and pecked my shoe once or twice, but yesterday she came by 3 times and pecked my shoes or pants. Seems like she is just curious. Being new to chicken body language and behaviors what is normal pecking, what is aggressive? One time when she did it I happened to move my hand and she ran away. What should my reaction be? Stop her, ignore her? She does not seem to be aggressive. She is even starting to come over if I am cleaning the run, before she was the first one to run away. Thanks for any info.

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