Muscovy beat up rooster today

Shared Acres

11 Years
Aug 10, 2008
Northeast Fla
Hubby works from home and he heard our labrador barking today, he looked out and he saw the male Muscovy duck standing on something. At first he thought the duck was getting with the girls. Then he realized it was the rooster-who is a full size roo!

The duck was standing on him and pecking him! Hubby ran out and roo ran away from duck.

Good lord.
A friend has a muscovy drake that has killed several other drakes and a couple of roosters. He doesn't tolerate other males well at all. Especially this time of year.

I used to have ducks. And they were always scared of our chickens. The chickens would yank huge clumps of fluff out of their heads. The chickens would chase the silly waddling things. They would chase the ducks away from the food.

The only time when the ducks attacked a chicken was when they were STARVING and the chickens were, as usual, blocking off the food. So the braver duck, Noodle, jumped onto Eggie the chicken and sent her into this squawking fit. Feathers yanked out more fluff. LOL.

Those were funny times.....
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Crazy thing is, we have 4 acres and then this rooster is from the NEIGHBOR's house, he only shows up about twice a month, so I'm guessing the rooster is in our yard to get food.

The ducks are my inlaws so they feed them at their house (next to us) and then the chickens are on my property.

The rooster is deathly scared of me so he can't come in the coop for food.

He's not our rooster though, so he's just going to have to avoid the ducks!
Do you think a duck would decapitate a full grown chicken?

Our Dominique was killed the other day during the middle of the day. We assumed a dog, since she was free ranging. Head was off, but there.

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