Mushroom Hunting


11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
Bland County VA!!!!!
Mushroom season has began we went out sunday hunting some down as they call it dry land fishing we did pretty good here are a couple pictures of what we got enjoy...


We have been having the rain for the moisture they need, but it's still too cold here.

Congrats on the find, but I ain't gonna lie, you're makin' me jealous!
Lucky! I don't think we have morels here (I've never seen them, anyways). I love mushrooms, and would love to be able to eat wild ones. I find nice big ones in my yard all the time, but haven't figured out how to ID them, so I won't touch them. I've been tempted, though!
Good looking morels, Bios. I have a patch in the woods up on the ridge behind the house I get a few meals worth from. I love them rolled in flour and fried in butter till golden brown. Man, I'm smacking my lips right now!

People around where I live call them "merkels." My brothers found about 3 bread bags full the other day and gave me a couple dozen. I tried some of them in a fish and chips type batter. It was pretty good. Flour and butter is better though. I also tried a few in some Japanese batter which I forget the name of. Not horrible, but nothing to write home about either. I ate pumpkin seeds, brushed my teeth, sucked on Life Saver breath mints, and couldn't get the taste out of my mouth all evening. Won't try that again.

As some have stated, the morels are a safe, easy to identify wild mushroom. But a word of caution: Do NOT pick mushrooms and eat them if you don't know anything about them. They can kill you! There are quite a few people every year who die from poisonous mushrooms. I especially hear of Koreans who have immigrated to California where there is a wild mushroom that resembles mushrooms back in their home country. But it isn't the same, and it kills them. From the description of the deaths I'd say it is Amanita mushrooms that are they culprit. One bite can kill a cow. SLow painful death of about 3 days. They are white with gills on the bottom and a "skirt" on the stem. My rule has always been to absolutely avoid any mushroom that was white. That does not eliminate all poisonous mushrooms, but makes things simpler. ANyway, I just want everyone to be careful, especially if you never hunted mushrooms before. I'd hate to see anybody croak!
But I like to see people enjoy the good ones. Those morels are hard to beat.
I would love to find some Morels, but I never have! I have found some Chanterelles and they were pretty good. I haven't been mushroom hunting in years.

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