Mushy chick? Newborn Duckling with very wet poo and lethargic.

That will probably closed up by tomorrow if my experience is anything to go by. If you separate her, make sure she can still see the other chicks :) She'll probably be okay
Well it looks exactly the same, of not a little worse.
Not looking like it wants to close up at all
I just don't know what to do
The siblings I haven't her are ready to go in the big brooder, but she needs to stay in the Bator until it heals or nature happens... I don't want her to be alone.
I think it looks worse :(


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I think it looks worse :(
It can come out of the incubator now, if it hatched on Wednesday it will be needing to start eating and drinking. but I would keep it separated so the others don't peck at that.
That looks like it might be infected to me.
I would put a little clear iodine on it to help that stuff dry up and fall off.
If that stuff is good and dry I would even snip it off. It appears that is part of the yolk sack that didn't absorb and it can't now because it's dried up.
Let's see if some others can weigh in.
I'd put you ducks in the brooder. I think it needs to dry out and I'm sure your incubator is pretty humid. I think it will still heal. :) Time will tell.
Already put them in the brooder.
I hope it will heal.
Although I think the duckling has been well named dodo (we named the eggs)
This chick literally does not know how to eat.
It pecks the bedding but not the food, even if I put her over there, and tries to drink from the ground (mock dunks her beak and lifts), and screams if any water touches her.

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