Mushy crop, twisting neck, regurgitating


In the Brooder
Dec 8, 2015
Sonoma County, CA
My poor Louise... She has a soft crop like a water balloon (morning and night), twists her neck like something is caught in her throat and often regurgitates when I pick her up. I've given her electrolytes, probiotics, coconut oil, boiled egg and yogurt - via syringe. She picks a little at watermelon, that's all.
This also happened a few months ago - two weeks sick and a trip to the vet, who gave her antibiotic and fluids and still no improvement. Last resort I tried Monistat and lo and behold, a few days later she was back to normal.
Now, it's happening again. Same symptoms. Started her on electrolytes and Monistat. It's been a week and still no improvement. She's separated from the flock and stays quiet. I could make her vomit, which offered temporary relief the last time but hoping I can find another solution.
Any ideas appreciated.

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