Mustard colored urates, stool otherwise normal

I used it on him when I first got him at 4 weeks of age. He had grain mites on him. I was told they don't live on chickens but he definitely had them. I didn't notice any yellow urates but for the longest time he had yellow around his eyelids. That is all gone now.

Yes they are pine shavings. Southern states sells various sizes. I plan to get the medium size next time. The mini I got this time are too small.
Can you feel of his lower abdomen for any tightness or fluid? I don’t think the Sevin dust would have caused this. It is no longer approved for poultry, and I have found that lice are not dying right away. I would use permethrin garden dust or the spray because it is approved and safe for chickens.

It could be a heart or liver problem, but hard to know without a poultry vet and labs or xrays. There might be an infection or tumor somewhere that has caused a liver or bile duct issue. The repeated issue with coccidiosis may be related. We can only guess at this time. A fecal test may not show anything except worms or coccidiosis. I wish I could offer help, but I would keep trying to get him to eat and drink. Maybe try a couple of ml of Poultry NutriDrench each day for vitamins and trace minerals including iron.
He has a good appetite and to anyone else they would not believe he is sick. He is just wobbly like his left leg buckles on him and then the yellow urates. I am afraid he is fighting off mareks and has liver tumors. I just wasn't sure if this was a possibility and it sounds like it is. His abdomen is normal. I don't feel an enlarged liver. He has lost some weight but his keel isn't sticking out yet. I would think if he had a tumor in his liver that he would lose appetite. I am totally stumped. I did notice black specks in the feed attached to the grains. I haven't seen this before and I replaced it. Not sure if this could be an aflatoxin or not.
Were the specks in the feed moving or dead, such as weevils? I have found some of those on feed from a certain chain store a few years ago, but they are harmless. Mold could be harmful. It usually smells off like a chemical and has a blue green tinge, usually more common in scratch grains in warm weather, but can be a problem if feed gets wet.

There are some members here who have dealt with Mareks and other tumor causing viruses who may have thoughts. @rebrascora, @azygous, @casportpony?
I have two hens and the rooster. They are all currently on starter. He has always been on starter. It is nature's best organic starter but it has a low 16% protein and I supplement it with flock party starter which I think is 22%. I did move my natures best to a new area and it is moist in that area. I may have moved it a month ago. He fits all the symptoms. This may be a mold issue. I took the natures best away and filled their bowls with only the flock party. It looked fine and was stored in a different area not damp. I almost wonder if his damage from coccidia made him more susceptible (assuming this is what is causing his symptoms).
It wasn't bright green. Definitely was not bugs. You know how in crumbles there are pieces of corn attached to some individual crumbles? It was just like that except black.

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