My 100 foot Peafowl Barn was DESTROYED tonight! šŸ˜Ŗ

Wow! Iā€™m in MO and it was crazy over here! At 6 I thought I was going to blow away! I had to run outside and put the ducks into the closed portion of the night time coop so the call ducks didnā€™t get slammed into the metal. I opened the doors a few minutes ago and thought something was on fire! Itā€™s smells atrocious out there. Hope everyone is okay. That storm went across the whole middle of America.
That was the craziest weather ever for December in Iowa -- even without the wind, a 70-degree day this time of year is historic. Living in the country is a little less wonderful when you are sitting in the middle of open, flat land with gale-force winds ripping across the prairie for hours.

When my DISH TV was able to receive a signal -- which was erratic all night -- I learned that more than 10,000 customers in Fort Dodge -- 11 miles away -- were left without power. But my electricity only flashed off for a couple of seconds. The only damage I could see last night was a large, dead-for-many-years tree that was uprooted. This century-old farmhouse creaked a lot, but she withstood the onslaught.

It's still dark, but I can see all of the coops are still standing, which wasn't the case after last year's derecho, so all those prayers I said last night were answered.

My heart goes out to all who suffered losses during the storm, and I hope everyone's critters are found and safe.

Please post as you learn the extent of what happened. Thank God you are alive and uninjured.
I'm so sorry. I hope everything looks better in the daylight. I know some of my pens took a beating yesterday while I was at work and I'm in Texas. I built them with a strong north wind in mind, not the stiff southerly wind we've been getting. Repairs will have to wait until this weekend.
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So there are still 3 walls of the Peafowl barn left, the back wall was destroyed. The poles were weak and broke off.
My 11 Peafowl that were in that barn are all alive and well. They are staying within the area of the barn so far.
My husband and father-in-law are missing work today to figure out how to fix the building and the chimney.
Nothing else has damage, except for my duck kennel. (no ducks are in it during the winter) šŸ’™
We lost power for 3 hours.
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