My 13 month old Buff Orpington only lays "fairy" eggs! Pics included.

Isn't it that only one of a hens ovaries is active at a time? Maybe it's possible later on in her life she will lay normal eggs but for right now she can only lay these little fairies? And if you do rehome her she looks like a lovely girl and you'll find a great place for her!
I know this is an older thread, but I have a young BO doing the exact same thing! My largest hen lays the smallest eggs...
Anyway, after taking off for a long molt she laid 2 rubber eggs and now 2 fairy eggs. Do you think breeding has anything to do with it? Mine is from Cackle, but all of my other girls (from Cackle, different breeds) lay just dandy. Thought I’d be relying on my heritage breed through the winter, but my olive eggers are way more productive! 🤷‍♀️
Silly question but would these eggs work for recipes that call for egg whites? 🤔

I got my first fairy egg today. My 2 new hampshire's & 2 red sexlinks have been laying fine since they've started laying. Yesterday was an off day where I only got 2 eggs, but today we got 4. I'm wondering if one of my teenagers popped the fairy egg out though because it's the darkest egg we've collected... ever. I have 2 buff opingtons, a black astrolorp & a holden laced wyandotte that are all within laying age but hadn't started laying yet. One of the opingtons is fairly dark in the face compared to the others so I assume she's going to be the first of my teens to start laying.
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In the last rew weeks, my Buff Orpington has been laying tiny fairy eggs. She has always pretended to be a normal layer. She goes and sits in the nesting box for a long time. She comes out and sings the egg song, but never an egg. In the last few weeks, she has laid these. Most are round. My other chickens, including her harch mate, lays normally.



Has any one experienced this?

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