My 2 6 month old won’t stop screaming!

Oh my hens scream for two hours if it takes the first hen in it that long to lay. They line up for ***THAT*** box, no other will do. In their chicken brains it is Manhattan real estate. Last month, it was the box in the hallway of the barn.
That is chickens.
Will my chicken scream in pain the next time she lays and egg since she has done it already?
For most hens there isn't pain after they begin lay regularly, and the vent stretches out. The first few eggs may be painful, the next few, uncomfortable, then it is only a few moments of concentrated effort for the eegg to drop out.
My hens will 'purr' or grunt for maybe 1 minute with their backs sort of hunched up, eyes glazed and stupid to the world around them, and you can walk right up to the shyest of them and they won't budge. Then you hear the egg plop to the bedding, the hen wakes up from her daze, and bock-bock, BOCK!!! she is up and out to the yard where a rooster will run over and cut a wing and dance at her and immediately tell her how she has *never* been a more desireable lady than she has at this very moment and he'd like to jump aboard her, which she swiftly dodges and runs to the other girls because she has more important things to do than mate 3 seconds after an egg came out her butt.

Riddle : What did the 500 lb parrot say?
Pollly want a cracker, right NOW!!!

Hens are like the 500 lb parrot when they want the box - extremely demanding and everyone has to know about it. But notice there is not a peep by the first hen to get the box.

For mature hens, egg song isn't pain, it is announcing to the other birds that it wants space to lay, and when done, letting them know the grand occasion has occurred - perhaps to draw other hens to lay where she just did.
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