My (about) 5 month rooster is trying to peck me

I'm glad you are seeing progress. I hope everyone who is reading understands that you are not sitting on him with all your weight, or else you might have a smooshed chicken
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Good job, you are on the right track! I did this successfully with a big Rhode Island roo who got uppity with me about the same age. He's 2 1/2 now and is pretty decent. I always keep an eye on him but we get along pretty good and with mutual respect.

The thing that worked the best for me was running him off when he puffed up or came at me. I'd run his rooster butt all around the pasture and I'd keep him away from the hens for a little while. He only got to rejoin them when I let him. It's been a long, long time since he challenged me, these days he seems happy to hang out in my presence and likes to be given a bit of bread now and then. I still keep an eye on him, always will, and I always make him move away, out of my space, but things are much calmer now!

Good luck with your roo, just be firm with him so he knows you are the boss, not him and I think you'll do fine with him.
Hudson, you are the man,

Don't hesitate to smack the crap out him either, literally knock him on his tail feathers. we had a hen that was trying to intimidate my wife, BIG mistake. It took about three times for the hen to get the idea, but she is my wife's best friend now. When she comes out with treats, that NH Red comes rocketing across the yard to her. It's no different then a bully in the school yard. Once they get a bloody nose, they quickly become your friend.

I love the fact that you grab him and sit on him. Go ahead and let slow rumbler loose while your there! Let him know who is THE boss!!!

I think the previous posters gave some great advice. I would not let him chase you. I don't know if you are running away from him or if he is just following you.. which is your definition, but I would not let him show his dominance by chasing you. Sounds like you're doing a great job so far!
My roo is close to 7 monthd old and he tried to get cocky once and i picked him up to show who was boss, but this morning he decided to attack. He has never gone that far before.what else can i do beside hold or chade him cause it dont work. I would hate for him to end up in the frying pan early, especially since i want him to breed more chicks.

Some roosters I think you just can't do anything about. We had a mean rooster and he was so good to our hens, we put up with his crap for months- even after he sent me to the doctor to have a wound where he spurred me cleaned out. It seemed like the more we tried to discipline him, the worse it got with this particular rooster. We did eventually put him in the stew pot. I don't know what breed your rooster is, but they all have the potential to be aggressive. They're still animals and act on instinct. Their brains aren't very big. We had some Brahmas that were never aggressive. I wish now we'd kept them.

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