My Babies are 3 Months Old :-) Lots of photos!

Wow they are gorgeous! I like seeing the hamburgs because i orderded two from the same place and they're just chicks right now.
And Vader is soooo pretty!
Wow!! I <3 their "Hale"--> Home it is just stunning!! They all look happy and healthy. The little roo's name should be.. "Bram"... well just a thought..
But it is totally up to you and what ever you decide to have as a name will be wonderful. I see chicks in the future.. when they get older.. of course..
Thanks for the name ideas, I like all of those!

Here are a few more photos I took last night:

Thank you! My husband had a GREAT deal of fun designing that run :) We still have to build the final indoor coop portion. Right now they are sleeping in a horse stall that is enclosed with wire. Their coop will be the milkhouse, which is a solid structure with closing doors. It is warm in the winter and cool in the summer in there.

The posts are set in concrete and the whole thing is enclosed in 1/2" hareware cloth. We really have no predators here, only hawks. We have 3 big dogs that constantly guard and patrol our farm so it would be fairly difficult for stray dogs or other predators to have much time to try to get in the run. Over the years my chickens always free ranged but all of them except 2 have been taken by the hawks. I had a hawk swoop down and try to grab a chicken while I was standing RIGHT there one time! They are fearless. Huge mature Red Tails that have lived in the woods behind my house for many years. When I got these new babies, we decided something had to change!!!! I couldn't bear to lose another chicken to a hawk. As it was, we still managed to lose one while the run was under construction. I let them out only for a couple of hours to free range while we ran to town. Came home and one of the Anconas was gone. Only feathers left.

I will try to get the photos up on the Coops page, but just haven't had the time to do it yet.

Still not complete in this picture. Have to cut down those tall support beams to a uniform height and get the caps on each post.

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