My baby chicks are vibrating!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
OK.....I know this sounds silly.....but when I hold my baby chicks, they seem to vibrate. Are they shivering? Would that be from fear, because they certainlly aren't cold. Or, could it be a pleasure thing? I had a gerbil that used to vibrate when I held it. Please, no's G rated.
They are just so excited to be out of the shell!!
If they are under 1 week old they should be kept around 95 degrees. I've had some shivering when they were young. I'd pop them into a sweatshirt pocket or inside my sweater up on my shoulder. This kept them warm and close to me.
They are so sweet when they are little.
My chicks are at least a few weeks old and they also vibrate when I hold them. I thought it might be out of fear as they aren't particularly fond of being handled.
Hmm.. now that I think of it.. My chicks used to vibrate too.
At the time I though it might be from lack of balance on my hands so their muscles are going wacky... but I'm not sure..
My chicks are 2 weeks old and they vibrate too! All of them do it some of the time, but not all of the time. I worry that I'm stressing them out when I hold them, but I want them to get somewhat used to it. Even though they don't necessarily like being picked up, when I put my hands in the box they climb all over me, and almost seem to fight for a spot on my hands or arm. Some seem to settle right down when I pick them up and go to sleep, but they may still be vibrating..........I need to learn more about chicken behavior................
Mine are 5 days old and they definitely vibrate sometimes when I hold them. i've found that if i snuggle them against my body or add a friend (another chick) the vibrating usually i assume it's from being chilly away from the heat lamp. The very young ones i try to hold for short periods of time because of this. then, as they get older, you can lengthen the amount of time they are away from their heat lamp.

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