My Barred Rock is laying white eggs...

my BR's lay cream colored eggs, very similar to yours. they are def not white, especially when compared to a white egg, the light tinted eggs are very pretty when in a mixed basket, they can even take on a pinkish hue. the first pic is one from each of my girls, the darker brown are RIR, the cream are BR, the greens are EE

even the green-blue egg looks seriously bluer when mixed in a basket of colors, my one EE seems to be having bloom coating inconsistencies, but still very pretty

My Barred Rocks ( which I love dearly) when they first started laying their eggs were very light. If the eggs are truly white the mother might have been a white Barred Rock and the father could have been say a Barred Rock then the hen will lay a white eggs. I have just the combo at my ranch, Welcome!!!!!!.
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My Barred Rocks ( which I love dearly) when they first started laying their eggs were very light. If  the eggs are truly white the mother might have been a white Barred Rock and the father could have been say a Barred Rock then the hen will lay a white eggs. I have just the combo at my ranch, Welcome!!!!!!. :jumpy
No such thing as white barred rocks. Are you thinking White Rocks?

And White Rocks lay brown eggs. All Plymouth Rocks do :)
I was given a hen that the previous owner called a barred rock, but she has shorter legs than the others, her bars are lighter, and her eggs are truly white. Could it be she is a different breed, or just a mix?
This is interesting. I've gotten my first three eggs. I know that one Rhode Island Red is laying. The other might be a Barred Rock. I have two RRs and two BBs. Anyway, the first egg was spotted brown. Two days later I had two eggs together, and one was WHITE. I had the same question, so it must be one of the Barred Rocks. The coloring answer is interesting. I will wait to see what's happening.

I DO HAVE A QUESTION. I have set up several nests, including one I bought from Miller which is very fancy. However, the girls are laying in their sleeping quarter which is a small box with a hole. It was used when the girls were little. I can't seem to convince them to move to bigger quarters. They seem to feel this is the safest place. It is situated in the darkest area of my shelter which is a hutch that is surrounded by a large run. I began expanding the hutch and added two boxes, but the hens haven't approached either. Four hens laying and sleeping on one box. YIKES!

I will send pictures of my first eggs as soon as I figure out how to transfer pix from my new mobile to this site. The hens are all approximately 21 weeks old. It is exciting to see them laying.
Our Barred Plymouth Rock laid her first egg today and its pink!
One of mine did too! So pretty! She also has light colored ears and I've heard there's a correlation between ears and egg color sometimes. I half expected her to have lighter eggs. She is also smaller than Mt other barred rock. I'm wondering if she's mixed with something else. Came here for answers.

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