My beautiful Frack is sick/injured? Can't hold head up. Update: Happy ending to this story!!!!

The molasses or epsom salt flush can help with constipation, but since it is late you might only want to give a little. Or try a little applesauce.
Frack really isn't constipated, I think she just isn't eating enough to create much in the line of waste. When she does have a BM, which is twice a day, it's kind of runny.

Today she seems to be holding her head up a little better. She is trying to eat on her own, but can't get the food to the back of her throat to swallow. I have been feeding her moistened crumbles with vitamins, scrambled eggs, and bread soaked in water (for hydration). It's slow-going, but I give her a few mouthfuls every hour.

Today I am going to go into town and buy some tubing. I want to try giving her a larger portion of food. We are going out of town for the day tomorrow and I'm worried that she won't be getting enough to sustain her while we are gone.
At least you have seen a bit of improvement with Queen Frack. I hope she follows King Rocky's example and continues to get better.

We tried tube feeding with one of our sick hens and it was easier than I expected as long as the liquid is not too thick. It is easiest with 2 people of course, but I even did it a few times on my own. Good luck.
We bought some tubing from the pet store. I put some flock raiser soaked in water in my Ninja and buzzed it up until it was smooth. I added some vitamins and fed her about 40 cc. It was much easier than I thought it would be, much less stress than forcing her beak open and putting a finger full of food in her mouth 10 times!

I bought some mealworms today, too. Not looking forward to buzzing them up in the Ninja, but I'll do it for Frack. I just want to keep her strength up until this whatever it is runs its course. She still has no other symptoms except the limp neck.

Since I fed her, she's standing up more. It's probably not so comfortable laying flat on the floor with food in the crop!

I have been tube feeding Frack twice a day since Friday, flock raiser with amoxicillin in it. She is now pooping regularly and is holding her head up more. She still droops her head part of the time, but is eating a bit on her own and seems to be well on the way to recovery. We were gone for the entire day yesterday, from 3:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., and I was worried, but she has remained strong throughout and was okay when we got home.

This morning she did a nice big poop and while it's not quite right in color and consistency, it's much better than it was previously and things are obviously moving through her system better. She even ate 11 mealworms by herself this morning! She does still have food in her crop from last night's late feeding, but it feels normal.

Thanks everybody for your help! I don't think she be doing this well without the tube feeding.
Frack seems to be completely cured. She is eating on her own and this morning even jumped out of her "bed," a cage-bottom that we were using for her. She will remain on amoxicillin for another 3 days and will rejoin the flock as soon as I find homes for about 6 newly amorous cockerels that I don't want pestering her.

Frack this morning - what a difference from her picture in post #1!

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