My blue egg layer just laid a brown egg


In the Brooder
Nov 17, 2015
Should I be concerned that my blue egg layer just laid a brown egg. She has been laying for a little over a week. All have been consistantly blue. Today she just laid a brown egg. I don't see any signs of mites. There has been no changes to her diet.
I am new to this and want to make sure my girls are ok. Can anyone give ne some insight to this??
Are you positive that another hen might have not laid this egg ? The colors of a hen's eggs can fade or brighten depending upon where she is in a laying cycle, but colors do not change.
Blue cannot change to brown. A blue egg is blue through the shell. A brown egg is a white egg shell with brown spray paint. You have another pullet laying blue eggs.
Welcome to BYC!

Agrees, you have 2 birds laying...maybe more?

Knowing more about your flock might help us help you.

You can also check butts to see who is laying and who is not:
Vent Appearance:
Dry, tight, and smaller - usually not laying.
Moist, wide, and larger - usually laying.

Pelvic Points 2 bony points(pelvic bones) on either side of vent:
Less than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means not laying.
More than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means laying.
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Blue cannot change to brown. A blue egg is blue through the shell. A brown egg is a white egg shell with brown spray paint. You have another pullet laying blue eggs.
"Brown spray paint"?

Basically though, what HC is saying is correct, there are only two shell colors chickens can produce: White and blue. Any other shade is a layer added near the end of the tract. This layer is brown in various amounts. spread over a white shell the egg will be some shade of brown, ranging from dark chocolate to so pale as to look pink or even yellow. If the shell is blue it will turn it some shade of green.

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