My chicken ate a very very very narrow piece of plastic.


Jan 3, 2020
I was gardening and my chickens were with me and I saw one eat a very very thin piece of plastic maybe 2-3 inches long. It was like the width of a piece of grass root, which is I guess what she mistook it for. I couldn't stop her. Will she die from this?

Not to guarantee that there might not be some problem, but my gut is that it will pass through her. I would be far more nervous about a nail or piece of broken glass. Good luck.
my gut is that it will pass through her. :) No pun intended, right? :) Thanks. I hope it will be alright. Why do they eat things that aren't good for them???

No, it wasn't elastic. It was hard plastic. She's fine as of this morning. Is there something I can do to make it pass?

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