My chicken is wasting away to nothing!

Thank you so much for the advice. I'm going to try everything until she (and the rest of my girls) feel better. I just put Link to bed for the night, I didn't want to wear her out. I'll keep you updated on her progress. I'm very determined to get her well again, especially since we just recently lost her sister, Cuff, to something different. Thanks again!
This chiken needs strength. Here's what to do. Go to tractor Supply and buy the smallest bottle of Bovidr labs Poultry Nutri-Drench. Give the chick one drop only by mouth. repeat as neded every 8-10 hours until perky. Put it in her water for the next 2 weeks. The water should look like very weak tea. This supplement doesn't need digesting. Measureable in the bloodstream in 10 minutes, 50% uptake in 30 minutes, 99% utilization. Helps jumpstart the G.I. stract and restart the immune system. I have used it for over a decade on my collies and poultry. Great stuff.
If the poo is covering the anus, the bird can't poop and will die. The drench has molasses in it to help with either constipation or the runs. All natural. Very concentrated the smallest bottle is enough for your needs. If they don't have Poultry drench, youc an use Goat drench. Just make sure and use the poultry usage and dosage instructions I gave above.
update: yesterday and today have been very interesting. Yesterday, Link was not doing well at all. She wouldn't even stand up, it looked like she had decided she was done and was just giving up. I bought some "chick saver" and made her take some of that but it looked like it was too late. I got some food into her anyway and put her to bed, hoping a little rest and wishful thinking would send some good mojo her way. And i guess it worked. Today, Link was all over the place. She stood in the dry food bowl all morning long just pounding down the chicken feed that the rest of the flock have been turning their beaks up at for weeks. When i let them out to free range she was practically sprinting across the yard and when i took her inside for some medicine she explored the entirety of my basement. She was more lively and happy today than I've seen her in a long time. I just hope she stays this way! Thank you all for your help and I'll continue to keep you updated :)
I'm wondering if mine has the same problem. I was thinking sour or impacted crop, but it does not feel large or bulbous.just hard, like if you bend your finger, it feels about the size of your knuckle. I can feel her breast bone,seems like no fat around it. She is doing this weird head twisting too. Yesterday she threw up green liquidy stuff a few times when i picked her up. She was still eating. I brought het in last night to monitor her better.also found she has mites. Her vent has a lot of poo stuck to it, but doesn't look pasted shut

This is what her vent looked like today. I was trying to include some other pics, but seem to be having a problem uploading

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