My chicken start

Hello :frow Welcome To BYC and Happy Holidays! There are a lot of member reviews of Orpingtons in the BYC breed section. I have found them to be friendly chickens, but they are a broody breed so don't lay as well as I like. Of that type of breed, I prefer Wyandottes and Sussex, mostly because I like the colors they come in better.
If you have wire all under your run (and fastened to the sides), you wouldn't need to bury it around the perimeter since both are to keep digging predators out, usually it is easier to bury a foot of wire than to wire the whole bottom of a run. btw, you want to use hardware cloth or something that is a higher gauge wire than regular chicken wire since chicken wire does not work well for keeping predators out, it is really just for keeping chickens in.

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