my chickens are sneezing a lot


11 Years
Aug 10, 2008
Cuero Tx
ok well my chickens are 23 wks old and look and act healthy except that they are constantly sneezing and i dont know why i am not sure if it is from dust or if they are sick but they seem to do it all the time. their eyes are not watery and i havent noticed any nasal discharge. most of them seem to be dry but their poop changes. sometimes it is normal and sometimes it is a little yellow pile. idk so do yall think something is wrong or not? oh and one of the pullets makes a weird nose when it is panting during the heat of the day but only when it is panting please help. :|
I am using hay for bedding. I am not sure if there is something wrong with them or not. They run around and chase each other like normal, take dust baths, eat and drink a lot it is just that they sneeze a lot too. So what do you think they could have. I also got my first egg two days ago and one yesterday but none today.
Eggs sound normal, and the odd poos are probably the cecal ones so that's not to be of a concern. By any chance is your hay moldy or if there is lots of dust of some type in the air. Sometimes that can be a problem. Hot weather panting and over drinking of water can also affect the poos. I'd watch for now and be wary of medicating if you don't know the problem as giving things like antibiotics that do not work for what you are trying to treat, or if you are trying to treat a virus, simply won't work and just increases the probability of anitbioitc resistant bacteria that you can't treat when needed. I personally let things run their course if the birds are healthy otherwise.
Also i wanted to add that it has been really dry here so there has been a lot of dust lately so that could be the problem i hope.

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