My chickens eye is almost swollen shut.

This morning I went to feed my chickens and let them go outside. I noticed one of my New Hampshire Reds seemed to have one side of her face swollen. I didn't think much of, but then she came back in the coop, and she is missing an eye! She is acting completely normal, and none of the other chickens are bothering her. Is there anything I should do? Is she going to be okay? Would you like me to post pictures?
How sad, sounds like she was pecked, are you sure her eye is missing? Hopefully it is just swollen shut. You will probably need to take her to the vet and get her antibiotics so that an infection doesn’t set in.
For reference this is what no eye looks like...

Not my bird but helped remove the puss ball that had filled the socket.
Good news! I went out to feed the chickens some lettuce and check on the chicken's eye. It is still swollen under the eye, but her eyeball in fully visible, she is blinking, and can see with it. I have not done any treatment, and I think I might let it heal on it's own. Is that is good idea?
It might heal on its own but most likely it will get infected so if you can get her some antibiotics from the vet. Keep an eye on her and make sure the other chickens do not peck at her anymore, sometimes once a chicken has an injury the rest will attack it. If they continue, try to separate her with some chicken wire until she heals up, but don’t separate her from the flock.
I think you need to treat it. I wouldn't just let it heal on its own. Wild and feral animals and birds die all the time from simple infections. Sounds to me like the treatment is easy and inexpensive. You can get what you need at a TSC or other local farm store. Good luck!
I checked on her again, and her eye is fine, it is just a little swollen underneath it. I read some old threads and compared pictures, and I think it is a bee sting. I did a Google Search and a vet said that a chicken's body will heal a bee sting on it's own. Should I wait and see if she gets better, and only treat her if it gets worse?
Did you get the pus out? Any current pictures? Pus that has collected and hardened around an infected eye sometimes may need to be squeezed out with some pressure.

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