My chickens hold it till they're let out in the morning


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Long Island, New York
The rooster especially. When they all come out of the hen house in the morning, the first thing they all do is make a ginormous poo. sickbyc I seriously think they're holding it in till they are let out. Don't get me wrong, there is some poo under the roost, but all little ones. Anyone else see this?
I thought it was a little odd!
Somehow they've decided to potty train themselves.....well sort of.
Mine poo all the time. Some when they are let out, some whenever. I find some huge piles in the coup and some out. Birds of the air just go whenever because they can't hold it. Don't know if chickens the same or if they can actually hold it.
buddy#2 :

Mine poo all the time. Some when they are let out, some whenever. I find some huge piles in the coup and some out. Birds of the air just go whenever because they can't hold it. Don't know if chickens the same or if they can actually hold it.

These poos are like the size of cat poos!
If you have figured out a way to train chickens to only go outside, and can show others how to do it , you could probably become a millionaire.

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