My chickens sound like seagulls...


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 30, 2011
East Bay, CA
I have three chickens, our golden sex-link just recently started to lay, our RIR seems to be getting ready to start. My question is every time I walk outside or they hear the door open to the backyard they all start squawking like seagulls. At first it was cute but now it is just down right loud and annoying. I am waiting for our neighbors to start complaining. It is weird, they don't cluck at all but it is starting to sound like a sea side retreat in our backyard. Am I missing something? Are they begging for treats? I just wanted to know if anyone had this happen or if my chickens are just from California!
I've wondered about our roosters - we have ravens where we live and the roos will sound just like ravens sometimes. Coincidence? Or not...!
I am new to chickens, do they imitate sounds? We have crows here but not many seagulls. All I can figure out is they are making noise to get treats, they get very excited when they see me because I usually am feeding or watering them or giving them a treat. When I don't have something to give them the seagull sounds start. Maybe it is a regular chicken sound but wow, it is loud. Maybe I just have spoiled chickens, I can't help it, I just love my girls!

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