My daughter sold some of her jewellery!!! Yay!!


11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
Aberystwyth, Wales
I am so pleased!! My 16 year old, very creative and artistic, dyslexic daughter spent her summer making jewellery to sell instead of trying to get a summer job. She spent hours making beautiful and unique necklaces, bracelets and earrings. We then spent time trying to find outlets for her to sell it. We naively thought this would be easy but only managed to put it in one shop and they would take 35% of any sales.
She is in the 6th form at school and as part of a business module her group are using her jewellery. tonight was the school Christmas Fair and she sold £60 worth of her stock. She is really pleased and it has boosted her confidence which had taken a biit of a bashing.
I am really happy for her and wanted to share that with my friends on BYC!!
Give her a cheer and a hug from me! I can attest to how hard it is to make much on such things. She had to have really stuck to it and worked hard!

I make beaded jewlery, and now only make special orders for someone who regularly want it for their craft booth and for friends who want some to give as gifts, or for my own gifts to friends.

On the good side, it's nice to be able to make a pair of matching earings or a neclace for an outfit on a moments notice!
That's AWESOME!!!

You should post a pic on here...I'd love to see it, and I bet others would, too!


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