My destiny has changed ! They moved in, pic's on on 36

You could totally do that. Set all your posts a little tall then stretch a string between them all and snap a height level to cut them off the same height adjusting for the depth of your overhead wood. Just form a grid with the wood over head. Get some of those joist hangers to make it easy to hang your cross pieces. They act like a second set o fhands.... Or you could nail up a temporary lip to rest the wood on. My main problem is having to do the work myself therefore there are times when a board has to be supported from both ends... I use alot of wood clamps too.
I think hubby will be helping me this time, well for tomorrow at least. But I do have to make those post 2ft under or could it be 1ft since it will be only holding weldered wiring ?
you need them deep enough to support the posts for nailing. Since hubby will be helping rent a post hole auger for yourself... Here if you rent in the afternoon on saturday you dont have to take it back till Monday morning.... and you dont have to pay for sunday.... you still pay for a one day rental. They are easy to use too.

one day rental here is just under a hundred bucks. well worth saving time and your back.
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oh I know what you mean, saw them at homedepot and the guy said it was fairly easy to dig. Thank you so much Perchie Girl. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be getting the framing up for the roof and I'll get the pic's up too. Today, while wiring the posts, I let my chicks and ducks out for them to free-range. They came all the way next to me and going thru some leaf piles. I continued to work and watched them as they went in the new run checking everything out. I get that sense that they feel safe next to me. I felt like leaving all the work behind and just sit and watch them. For me, today was priceless
I've got few pic's all post in a while.
My hubby is off today, so we planned on putting the top roof with welded wiring. We sectioned off where we were going to start. We put out the 2x4 16ft long for the wiring and ready to wire, guess what, we had company come over. Just 1 hour into our project and we were getting some where with it, we had to stop
. I got so upset, I was ready to cry. The couple and their kids, the man is a contractor. So knowing me, I thought he'll help. But instead I had to go back inside and prepare tea, coffee and cut the cake, serve, clean after her kids, and serve some more. Then I took them to the back deck and asked the contractor friend if we did a good job. This man tells me to put it back where I moved it from
. He said doing a tracktor 8x8 approx. 6' ft coop that hasn't build yet will be nearly impossible to move it even with a garden tracktor (John Deere). I was ready to fall off to the ground. Anyways, gotta go and prepare dinner for family.
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Sorry to hear that you had to stop. So what do you think about what this man said. Do you agree with him or do you think he is just being negative about your awesome building skills? What do you think?

Keep your head up. You're almost there.
Sorry to hear that you had to stop. So what do you think about what this man said. Do you agree with him or do you think he is just being negative about your awesome building skills? What do you think?

Keep your head up. You're almost there.

At first when I put the run on the side of the house, thinking I'll be building the coop in it. I won't have to move anything and it could stay there year round. After putting up 4 panels (8ft each) and supported by 4x4 post 2ft under with stones and dirt. The contractor that my brother sent over said, no no you need concrete. You'll have to take everything out if you want the roof to be in shingles. So I thought, I don't want any concrete on my ground, so I'll make the roof welded wire. So if I'm goint to make it with wire, why not push the panels a little further away to the corner and have more room for the chicks and ducks. Then I'll build a portable 8x8 and leave it ther for 3 seasons, and move it closer to the house when winter comes. Now this friend who's contractor says, If I were you, I woun't do it portable, I would move the run closer and put shingles on the roof and etc. If I moved it the the first spot, the the back corner will have no use for anything. If a portable coop is keeping me from havening an ideal coop, then I will do my search and do the best that I can to build a portable 8x8 6ft tall coop. I am not moving their run again. This way the chicks have more space and they don't need to free-range and have that chance of being killed. It's further away from neighbors house..

First my mom said, I told you so, then something came over her and said, don't ask anyone anymore, you do what you want to do. Because I had my mom on one side and the hubby on the other side complaining and insulting me. But I am sticking with my plan and giving the chicks 32x32 run with welded roof along with the duplex coop I've made them last summer and 8x8 portable coop with bottom as run and another 8x8 covered roof. That would be for the winter. I wish I can finish this so I can put up some pic's because I know it's hard to visualize what I have in my mind.

This contractor friend didn't say anything good or bad about my building skills, he only said, it's in a bad location. Well, he don't live here :p
Now aching with back and shoulder, mom wants to go to Atlantic City. Since she has been helping me take care of my 2 boys, I said why not. See you all tomorrow
Grr, the nerve of some people...just showing up without announcing themselves and then you having to serve them, and not even helping you?? Burns me up, what kind of people...mmmgrrrrr

You keep doing what you gotta do to make that coop! It may be slow going, but progress is've got my support...but sheesh some people
.. you must have the patience of a saint, I don't know how you stand it
Their new run 32x38



I was only doing the roof of this portable 8x8 run, but after hubby came from work, he said make this their coop too and bottom run, so tomorrow I'll try to make that possible.


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