My Doe gave birth at two different times?


8 Years
Aug 28, 2011
So I'm still fairly new to rabbits. My doe has had a litter before (10 altogether, though 3 unfortunately to chickens) without any issue and those little guys are a little over a month old now.

Unexpectedly my buck got the doe pregnant again, and between yesterday and today she has had 8 kits, but this was less successful due to the unexpectedness. 5 were born yesterday and all died. I found two alive and well today, and a third elsewhere that had died. So far the two are doing really well, but I was surprised to find more this morning.

I understand she was moving around a lot since we didn't know she was pregnant, and so that could have very well contributed to these conditions, but is it normal for a doe to give birth over the course of days like this?
Rabbit does have a V-shaped reproductive system, with each "horn" dedicated to raising the embryos that form from the eggs released from the ovary on that side. It is possible for a doe to release eggs only on one side, get pregnant on that side only, and accept service from a buck at a later date, release eggs on the other side, and wind up carrying two separate pregnancies with two different due dates. Most does won't accept a buck when they are already pregnant, but it does occasionally happen. There are other odd possibilities, too.

Most does will have their litter all at one time, usually within 20 minutes or so. Sometimes a large baby may get stuck, and it takes a long time to deliver it. Some does just don't get the job done all at once - Angora breeders have told me their breed is notorious for giving birth over a course of 3 or more days. Not a thing you want to have happen, but yeah, it does happen.
Well that's interesting to know. My Doe is a New Zealand White, but I can't imagine she got pregnant twice (would've been the same Buck) but who knows.

In anycase that helps, so thanks for the info!

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