My dog attacked my chicken!!

There isn't really anything I can do about the dog. He's my mom's dog. I know that if Sunni makes it through this, he won't be allowed in the same room as her. Putting Sunni back outside isn't an option. She is used to the indoor climate, and she is in the house because she lost her tongue to a bad accident that she went through when she was 10 weeks old. So I have to be able to watch her and make sure she is eating and drinking enough on her own.

The dog will be getting his teeth pulled in January or February (he has gum disease), so that will make him a bit less of a threat. I'll still kick his butt if he comes anywhere near my girl though. He has serious anger and anxiety, so he needs to be watched close around our cats now too.

Alright I understand that ......... Wish Sunni and you a fast recovery ...........

We gave Sunni 81mg of baby aspirin an hour ago, and she is already responding well to it. She walked all over my room and didnt get dizzy or fall over, and she was preening just now. This is the most improvement I have seen since the incident almost 24 hours ago.

I do have one question. How often do I give her the aspirin?
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Last night so that I could easily keep an eye on her throughout the night, Sunni slept in a soft-sided basket/tote in my bed. She slept through the night with no poblems. I checked her eyes this morning with a light, and her right eye is dilating like normal again!! :weee Her left eye is dilating a little, but not quite like normal yet. She doesn't seem dizzy at all either. But she hasn't really moved around yet.

I'll give another update on her condition once she's more awake.
Glad she seems to be improving,she more than likely sustained a concussion,some symptoms are : dizziness,confusion,fatigue,nausea,taste/smell may be off,headache/pressure in head,personality change,dilated eyes(or not reacting to light)etc. Keep her quiet and calm for a couple of days. A concussion can take a long time to heal so just be patient with her.
Make sure she is eating/drinking.
Glad she seems to be improving,she more than likely sustained a concussion,some symptoms are : dizziness,confusion,fatigue,nausea,taste/smell may be off,headache/pressure in head,personality change,dilated eyes(or not reacting to light)etc. Keep her quiet and calm for a couple of days. A concussion can take a long time to heal so just be patient with her.
Make sure she is eating/drinking.

That does sound like it may be a concussion. Thanks for the info. I have been giving her 15-25cc of pedialyte every few hours, and that seems to be helping. Now that she doesn't seem as dizzy and confused, I am going to try giving her some blended yogurt and scrambled eggs through a feeding tube.

Thankfully I have all of the supplies from the last time she was sick.
Is she a orpington,i think i read on one of your posts that she was. I have orpingtons and silkies,my two orpington girls are big babies. They just love to follow me around(yes i bring them into my house)love to be cuddled,such a fantastic breed,they act like young children.
Yes, she's an Orpington. My favorite breed. She lives in the house with me. She has for about two months now. She's the sweetest hen I've ever had. Some people don't always realize she is an Orpington, because she is so small. She is fully grown and she only weighs 4 lbs 14 oz. Her sister weighs about 6-7 lbs.

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