My dog was dog-napped --almost

How horrible!! I'm glad you stopped the jerk! Be very careful, they may come back. She sure is a cutie.
He probably wanted her for either dogfighting, or for her to be practiced upon by his fighting dog(s).

The microchip and collar will do you no good in this case. The best defense is home security. Build a bigger fence. I would also distrubute flyers around the neighborhood with a description of the man and what he tried to do.

Those kind of people just have no sense. They're like animals themselves. All they care about is themselves. They see something they want, they just take it. It comes from not being raised to respect oneself or others.
Many dog lovers here know the terror you must have felt when you saw that jerk grab your girl. I just hope you are doing ok now and can get back to your good day. I think now that he knows you saw him, he won't try it again, I just hope he doesn't go looking for another dog, you might want to warn the neighbors.

Take care and give her a pat on the head. I love dogs and my two are such a huge part of my life.
Wow, I am so glad she is ok. I am also a mom to Boxers. I worked with Boxer rescue for a few years as a foster home. I heard too many stories of Boxers being taken from their own yards.
Around here there was a 'ring' of dog theves - they targets shepherding breeds like collies, shelties, etc. This was about 10 yrs ago.

They drove around in a white van and stole dogs out of the fence while folks were at work.

When I first heard of people's dogs going missing, I thought 'Yeah, right' but this story was in the papers.

Finally did catch the people - they were selling dogs to laboratories and would target breeds depending on what research was being done.

In your case, with a boxer, I'd bet it's for fighting dogs though...

Glad you had a happy ending to the story!!
Thank god you saw it, and she didn't come to any harm when she was loose either. I'm paranoid enough about my dogs, I can't even imagine if something like that happened. Our vet told us about a client he had with a well-bred boxer, and he had a chainlink fence with a combination lock on the gate, had him chipped, did everything he could think of. That didn't stop the thieves, they cut through the chainlink and stole his puppy, and it wasn't seen again.

Build that fence as big as you can, and either run a hotwire a foot out from the fence, or an invisible fence, so the dogs won't cross the line even if someone breaks through the fence. It makes me so mad that people will do this. It takes a dogfighter or someone equally as heartless to steal someone's pet; nobody who loved an animal would wish the loss on anyone else.
How about contacting the local new paper for a dog interest story? At least let them know what happened...even your local TV station, they too might want it as a story of interest!
I can't remember whether you said your dogs are chipped or not, but it can help in recovering a stolen dog.

Laboratories are not allowed to experiment on a dog with a form of identification (e.g a tattoo or microchip) without the owner's permission. Also, if a dog is the victim of a dog fighting ring, it may be recovered by the SPCA/Humane Society. Also if your dog escapes from the dognappers, it can help to bring the dog home as they will probably throw their collar away as soon as they steal it. And if you see someone with your dog, you will have a simple way of proving the theft.

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