My duck is having a seizure like behavior

Update: I gave him the 1 ML of the stuff and then put 1 more ML in the water dish, then went to bed this morning when I got up I went out to look how the duckling was doing and he seizured out again, is this supposed to happen for a little while
This is not an over night cure and there is always the chance there is more than a nutrient deficiency going on but this is the best way to try and get him over it except for a vet and not sure what they would do but if you can go that route then by all means do. Give it a week hopefully by then he'll have gotten enough in his system to see an improvement.
Do you think that startled him? @CayugaJana had one of hers doing this hopefully she'll see this tag. I have seen others where they came in and turned on the lights and caused one to have a seizure.
The red heat lamp is always on and they can walk around the cage because it’s pretty big, I just opened the hatch door because it’s opens from the top and tried to pick it up and it just seizured out, and can ducks get epilepsy?
Although I haven’t researched it, I’m quite certain ducks can be epileptic. They would normally not survive unless given a lot of supportive care.

I’ve noticed high stimulation seems to cause the episodes. Like opening a door turning a light on, loud noise, splashing of water etc. The bad thing about ducks having seizures is outside of a vets expertise, there is little you can do. However I’ve noticed seizures in ducklings seems to be a common issue. The b complex will help with the seizures and keep your Pekins legs strong. Give it a week and then re-evaluate how he’s doing. If a vitamin b deficiency is the cause, (which seems likely) it will stop the seizures.

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