My duckling keeps laying down

Great news!! having trouble with my ducklings also but its hard to think its vitamins. iv raised others successfully on the same feed!! i have quail that are also having trouble walking. Is it possible that they are just laying down too much, making them become feeble?? they were fine until colder weather hit and they seem to always want to be under the heat lamp! having trouble with my ducklings also but its hard to think its vitamins. iv raised others successfully on the same feed!! i have quail that are also having trouble walking. Is it possible that they are just laying down too much, making them become feeble?? they were fine until colder weather hit and they seem to always want to be under the heat lamp!

Some ducklings are more sensitive to b vitamin deficiency, and sometimes there is something amiss with the food - like mold or missing ingredients.
My 1 week old ducklings lay in front of the water & drink. Is this normal? I’m feeding them chick starter/grower.
Growing ducklings will either eat or sleep(almost like growing ducklings) but if it is not walking then that would be a problem....does it ever get up and walk? Are you giving any kind of vitamin powder or niacin powder?
Make sure it has a good amount of niacin. What breed is your duckling? I’d also rec you get a liquid B complex and start your ducklings on it when they are weak in their legs the liquid b complex really gets them over it. TSC has the best one it will say injectable but just peel the foil and use a dropper to get out 1 ml per duckling and put over dried meal worms or another tasty treat. Should take less than a week to see noticeable difference then you can switch them to Nutritional yeast 1 Tab per cup of feed till at least 10 weeks old. Keep the liquid b complex in the frig. @duckgal
My duck that was left alone. After a hawk got my other one, saw her reflection in my car & now she won’t leave the car. Should I move the car? She won’t go to the pond or in the yard. Just stays right beside the car. It’s been 3 weeks since Donald was killed. The new ducklings won’t be able to go out with her for several more weeks.

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