My duck's bill is injured


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014
We got up this morning and it looks like something may have gotten our pekin duck. She has a tear in her bill that looks more like a clean saw cut. It is not bleeding but I am fearful that the beak could break off. She is still trying to eat and drink. Should we just leave her be? Any first aid advice? Or should we cull her? Sorry to post this here but the emergency thread appeared to only be for chickens.
Do you have a picture of her?

With bill injuries, it's my understanding that the duck can make a strong recovery. So I'd hold off on the thought of culling for a while to give her time to heal, if she isn't suffering greatly. A little extra care could be good for her, too. Cleaning the wound would be a first step. Providing vitamins w/ electrolytes and wet food would be another. Here is a thread that might give you some ideas on how to treat your duck.

Hopefully others will chime in with more tips that are specific to your case. For example, someone might know of a way to attach the bill and reduce any risk of it coming off completely.

These are just my ideas without seeing the damage.
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Keep it cleaned and it's probably best to segregate the duck from the rest of the flock.
I've only had a small crack to deal with (the missus dropped a concrete slab on my favourite birds beak while worm hunting..) but it healed up beautifully with just a twice daily clean and then powder with a suitable antiseptic.

Give the bird a chance - I've seen ducks do ok with less than half a beak left!
She is doing good actually. We think a fox got her. The same fox we later found out took another duck a few days later and never ate him. My daughter found him alive in the den

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