My eggs please help

Yes all chicken eggs.peaking at bottom 3 days ago on number 1.but no holes.we check when we added/deleted water still no hole on all 6 eggs.the weird one was just a new one the chick laid yesterday .
Today she laid and it appears normal. It's in a clean egg carton on my counter being turned there is no more room in the one incubator tell we can figure out the issue with the one incubator .
Yes all chicken eggs.peaking at bottom 3 days ago on number 1.but no holes.we check when we added/deleted water still no hole on all 6 eggs.the weird one was just a new one the chick laid yesterday .
Ok, first off it's best if you gather all the eggs you want to set and set them all at once. While pullet eggs can be hatched, you really don't want to start incubating them as soon as they start laying. I don't understand what you mean when you say "peaking at bottom". How many eggs are actually in lockdown?
I could hear peaking noise. I could see a white spot and rocking of eggs. These one I could see at the bottom towards floor of incubator short end side on left side.
You heard it peeping inside the egg three days ago? If you hear peeping that signifies the chick internally pipped into the air cell. But three days ago? That's not a good sign. Are all 6 eggs at day 21?
No 1. Five days after 21 2. 4 days after 21 3.2 days 4.1 day 5. 2 days before due date 6. 1 day before due date
No 1. Five days after 21 2. 4 days after 21 3.2 days 4.1 day 5. 2 days before due date 6. 1 day before due date
Chances are at 4 and 5 days past hatch day, your not going to see chicks hatch and if you did the chances that they would be healthy are pretty low. With eggs that staggered you are not providing the best possible conditions for hatching out healthy chicks, especially where humidity is concerned. Not saying it isn't possible just improbable. If you want a decent hatch your best bet is to collect your eggs for a week-10 days and then set them all together. (With two bators you could even set 2 or 3 different sets a week apart and use the second bator as a hatcher.) Run a low humidity incubation for the first 17 days(providing you are not in a high elevation) then at lockdown up the humidity 65-75%. If you use the second bator as a hatcher at lockdown you would move the first set to the second incubator and they should be done hatching by the time it's time to move the second set. Doing so many different eggs each day, in my opinion, is going to make it very hard to have a decent hatch rate. Another important thing is checking the thermometers/hygrometers to make sure they are accurate.

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