My favorite girl, Opal


5 Years
Feb 4, 2014
Dayton, OH
I know we're probably not supposed to play favorites, but Opal makes it hard to resist. She's a black star, and as soon as I remove the top of their tub, she'll hop onto the rim and then onto my shoulder or head. Eventually she'll settle down in my cupped hands and drift to sleep. She's such a sweety! Her sisters haven't quite figured out the trick of hopping from the waterer to the edge of the tub, but she's mastered it. :)
These pictures were taken about four days ago, and they've all grown so much just in that amount of time! (my hair is a wreck as she was up there skittering around in it). :D


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Very beautiful black star! i had a black star but unfortunately when i moved them to their outside pen something snatched her through the sides of her pen :(.
Very beautiful black star! i had a black star but unfortunately when i moved them to their outside pen something snatched her through the sides of her pen :(.
Aww, I'm sorry. That must've been awful! My dad and I have been building a coop and I'm already on edge, imagining all the predators that may try and get them once they're in their new home.
Aww, I'm sorry. That must've been awful! My dad and I have been building a coop and I'm already on edge, imagining all the predators that may try and get them once they're in their new home.
it was pretty upsetting, though i was more confused than upset. i realize that it must have been a black snake that got to it, as not even a single feather signaled its existence after it was gone. just gone, with no trace.

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