My first egg I'm so proud :)

Congrats on your first egg and first layer

I am waiting impatiently for my second layer to give, but no go so far...I think my other two potential layers are waiting for the rooster to get re-homed.

Show me the eggs!

I got a couple of softies too, that bummed me out

I added oyster shell directly to their feed and now I have STRONG shells!

More calcium for stronger shells,

I started off with 2 Black Sex link hens, bought some Chicks (5 light brahma, 5 barred rocks, 2 NHReds, 23 black sex link) was given 2 more black sex link hens.

ok so we have 4 adults and 35 babies! whoo hoo.

I am getting between 18-24 eggs a day! lol and awaiting the arrival of the rest.
as we have a roo or 2 also (from the chicks) 1 roo is definte! he is a light brahma.....and he is the dominate one in the bunch; he at 4.5 months was twice the size of the adult Black sex link hens. (pictures will posted later).

so far so good. they are already paying for their own feed bill.!!!! hurray! plus I still have as many to eat as I want to for my little family of three!

this is the way to go. I have butchered 2 already. though I am not sure I would do them that way again, I skinned them instead of playing with feathers.

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