My Flocks By RoostersAreAwesome!


7 Years
May 21, 2017
I have decided to make a thread for my flocks! These are my flocks:

Chesta's flock: Lupin (standard barred Cochin cockerel), Lil Chipmunk (OEGB cockerel), Chesta (OEGB/Japanese bantam/Leghorn/serama hen)

Hen flock: Olive (faverolle mix hen), Crystal (red Cochin hen), Pepper (orange laced black Cochin hen), Eagle Eye (light Brahma hen), Raspberry (Leghorn or Rhode island red hen), Rosey (OEGB/Japanese bantam/Leghorn hen), Rocket (OEGB/Japanese bantam/Leghorn hen), Dusty (mixed breed roo)

Rooster flock: Griffin (Olive's brother), Pumpkin (mixed breed roo), Frosty (mixed breed roo), Huckleberry (Rosey's brother), Finny (Rosey's brother)

NOTE: all my chickens are bantams, except Lupin. Griffin and Olive are medium sized.
Now for the pics!
Huckleberry (gray) and Finny (white)

Lupin (big one) and Lil Chipmunk (small one)
Lil Chick (RIP) she was killed by a skunk recently, she was 4 years old. :( Lil Chick was an OEGB/Leghorn mix.
I have decided to put 2 of Chesta's eggs under my Broody hens, Pepper and Crystal. The father could be Frosty or Lupin. This is Frosty:
What a cute flock! I love that picture that you posted on another thread of Lupin laying down and Lil chipmunk under him like he was a mama hen. Frosty is a beautiful rooster. I think Raspberry is an RIR, but I'm not sure. She's pretty though. I'm sorry about Lil Chick. She is very pretty.

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