My Frizzle cant Jump to roosts / Frizzle Feather loss


In the Brooder
May 1, 2022
I have a Bantam Cochin Frizzle hen named yogurt. Yogurt has almost no feathers on her wings because they wont grow, on the ends she has a few spines instead of flight feathers (which i trimmed because when she flaps they hit my arm and it hurts) and the rest of her wings are pretty much bare, she also has no feathers on her tail, its just down. shes been loosing more wing feathers over the past few months. her wings didn't used to be completely bare, she also used to have more of a tail. (I don't think shes Frazzle because other than her wings and tail + a few bald patches, she has completely normal frizzle feathers.) Sometimes on hot days or just if they look sore, i put sunscreen on her wings so they don't get burnt. Also I think shes afraid of heights and falling because when I pick her up she kicks and flaps and starts panting, she gets really stressed unless I give her support under her feet. she also doesn't run at all because I think shes afraid to trip? either that or she just hasn't figured out how. sometimes all my chickens run to me for treats and i have to wait for her to slowly waddle over to us. another thing is that we recently got mites in my coop, We had to clean it out and spray some chicken safe mite spray around the coop. We had some logs in the coop that the chickens would jump on to get to their roosts, but because of all the nooks and crannies we decided to get rid of them since they took up a lot of space and were too hard to clean. we still have a ramp in the coop That all my chickens have no problem using, accept yogurt hasn't figured it out. Since she cant use the ramp, she cant get to the nesting boxes or the Roosts. So shes been laying in a bush, and also tries to sleep in that bush too. obviously I put her up on the roost every night so I can keep her safe, but its been happening for about 2 weeks now and she hasn't figured out the ramp yet. I know frizzles have a harder time jumping and flying, I still think she could use the ramp though if she tried. I am planning to build some bigger steps to Replace the Logs and help her get to the roosts but any suggestions in the meantime? and other than that any advice on keeping frizzles happy and healthy?

PS. heres some pictures of her, their a little outdated and i couldn't find any good shots of her wings. the first image shows her wings when she still had some feathers and the second image shows some loss of her tail earlier on. ( think of these as before the feather loss pictures ) i'll take and post some more recent photos of her wings and tail later today when i get the chance.
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Here are the updated photos of yogurt. These are from today. Do you think she’s maybe a frazzle? my friend said she’s not getting good quality life, They also she’s a frazzle because of the wings, but she used to have more feathers and she’s still eating and running around the yard so now I’m confused 😕 the others pick on her so that might be why she has bald patches on her head, I’m getting really worried now 😥


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Here are the updated photos of yogurt. These are from today. Do you think she’s maybe a frazzle? my friend said she’s not getting good quality life, They also she’s a frazzle because of the wings, but she used to have more feathers and she’s still eating and running around the yard so now I’m confused 😕 the others pick on her so that might be why she has bald patches on her head, I’m getting really worried now 😥
Actually, it looks more like she's being plucked. Have you noticed any of the other chickens pecking at her?
Yes, my other chicken hobbit does Pick on her. Hobbit also scares her away from treats when I give them. I plan to get more chicks later this summer, im hoping that introducing them to the flock might switch up the Pecking order and hopefully give yogurt some closer friends. Do you think that would work? Would it be best for her to go to a new home?🫤
Actually, it looks more like she's being plucked. Have you noticed any of the other chickens pecking at her?
Firstly frizzles can't fly. The lack of proper flight feathers is normal. All my frizzles have spines rather than proper feathers ~ though some are more feathered than others.

Secondly, Frizzles moult @ odd times. Mine usually have a summer moult as well as a winter one.

Thirdly, if you have lots of dominant breeds, they will pick on a frizzle.

A mixed flock can be done but it needs careful planning. I have both standard & bantam frizzles with standards & bantams but all my frizzles have @ least one running mate & were raised with standards. This has prevented any pecking issues.

As for getting up the ramp... I use steps & my girls hop from step to step. I have one who roosts up a tree but she hops & climbs up there.

You don't say where you are but frizzles don't do well in extremes of either heat or cold. They can't regulate their temperature as well as other chickens. If they get soaking wet you will need to dry them off . They are not delicate & are pretty good layers but they do need some special considerations.

As I see it you have two choices.
  • Rehome. You probably don't want to do this but it may be kindest for your chicken unless you can implement number 2.
  • Get a couple more frizzles, quarrantine them then add your present girl & do a reintegration ~ which may or may not work, depending on your other breeds.
  • If you have the space you could run your frizzles as a separate flock with their own coop & run.
Shuri, my tree hugger.

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