My girl is in distress she's not moving, her feathers are puffed out on her rump and she's straining

MeeMee Belle

7 Years
Jun 3, 2012
My girl layeed an egg this morning now her rump feathers are all puffed up and she acts like she's strainging to go PooP but she's recently had a bit of diarrhea so I'm terribly confused. Does anyone know what this could be?
My girl layeed an egg this morning now her rump feathers are all puffed up and she acts like she's strainging to go PooP but she's recently had a bit of diarrhea so I'm terribly confused. Does anyone know what this could be?
Bumping this post back to the top so someone knowlwegable sees it.
could she possibly have another egg stuck inside? feel her belly and see if it feels hard, and i know this sounds gross but you can always get a rubber glove and some KY and poke your finger in there to see if something is lodged. its gross i know but ive poked my finger in there a time or two to help out a prolapsed hen.

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